The following is the C Portion of the code. CLObject is one class. CLNumList is another class which are being discussed here.
class CLObject {
// Constants
static const char className[];
static Luna< CLObject >::RegType methods[];
int GetType(lua_State *L);//(unsigned char&cType);
int GetListofNumbers(lua_State *L);
CObject* real_object; //this is the actual pointer to the C++ class.
class CLNumList{
// Constants
static const char className[];
static Luna< CLNumList >::RegType methods[];
int GetFirst(lua_State *L);
int GetNext(lua_State *L);
int GetInteger(lua_State *L);
int GetIntegerCount(lua_State *L);
CNumList* real_object; //this is the actual pointer to the C++ class.
} ;
The following is .cpp code
CLObject :GetListofNumbers(lua_State *L)//
CLNumList*o = new CLNumList(L);
CLNL*ud = static_cast< CLNL*>(lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(CLNumList))); // create new userdata
real_object->GetListofNumbers(*o->real_object); //CLObject
ud->pT = o;
lua_pushlightuserdata(L, ud);
luaL_getmetatable(L, NUMLIST );
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
return 1;
-- The following is the LUA calling scenario.
CLObjectInstance = CLObjectI:new()
local clnumlist1 = CLObjectInstance: GetListofNumbers()
local total = clnumlist1:GetIntegerCount()
local value=0
for lpCount = 1, total do
if(lpCount==1) then
value = clnumlist1GetFirst()
value = clnumlist1GetNext()
--now if i access the following method using the CLObjectInstance, then LUA throws this error.
CLObjectInstance:GetType() --throws attempt tp call method GetType a nil value.
Could any one shed light on this issue? .
Thanks and Regards.