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----- Original Message -----
From: David Burgess
Date: 1/12/2010 6:29 AM
Just so I got this problem right we have -

luadir -
  - C module dir A which contains a C module DLL
    - subordinate DLLs  which contain DLLs that A is dependent upon
  - C module dir B which contains a C module DLL
    - subordinate DLLs  which contain DLLs that B is dependent upon
  - C module dir C which contains a C module DLL
    - subordinate DLLs  which contain DLLs that C is dependent upon
I solve this problem with delay loading of DLLs. It works fantastically by adding delayimp.lib to your linked libraries and using the /DELAYLOAD:nonlua.dll to the link flags. See

At this point, there are several choices. The one I've most commonly used is to simply call LoadLibrary("full/path/to/nonlua.dll") at the first opportunity within the Lua module.

The second is to modify the PATH to include "full/path/to/". I use that one very rarely.

The final method (and apparently recommended, although I only recently learned of it) is to provide a callback function for __pfnDliNotifyHook2. See

I'm not sure if this is Visual C++ specific. What I do know is the technique works really well. In fact, LuaPlus even uses it for the Lua executable itself. A file called sits side by side with the executable. The file specifies the path to the Lua DLL. The Lua DLL and modules can exist anywhere, and only the Lua executable and file need be in the PATH.
