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On Fri, Mar 05, 2010 at 04:06:17PM +0800, Pan Shi Zhu wrote:
> >
> > , as many other embedded cpu do not suport sse instructions
> >
> This is true, but they do not support x87 instructions too. (like all
> ARM cpus and MIPS cpus who does not have hardware floating-point
> support at all)
> I'd say 99% embedded cpus support sse or have no hardware
> floating-point support at all.
> The fact is we could use integer as lua number and avoid
> floating-point operations, I don't know if LuaJit works under this
> condition without sse, but I think this is a definitely useful
> feature: support non-sse CPU when lua number is integer.

The number of non-sse CPUs is an integer :-D