It was thus said that the Great Joshua Jensen once stated:
(Already done... so I guess I should add that my numbers are WITH an
endianness check... that makes core Lua even faster.)
And for completeness, I've added LuaJIT2 numbers:
lua.exe load asciidata.lua - 1.99 seconds
lua.exe load asciidata-luasrcdiet.lua - 1.98 seconds
lua.exe load binarydata.lua - 0.07 seconds
luajit2.exe load asciidata.lua - 1.26 seconds
luajit2.exe load asciidata-luasrcdiet.lua - 1.26 seconds
My guess is that your Lua file is mostly numeric data. I know that the
80M Lua file I have is mostly strings, which may explain why the binary
version doesn't have the compression yours does.