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On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Mike Pall <> wrote:
> Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I'd say it's a tad on the
> speculative side to write code today against a not-yet-designed
> and not-yet-implemented API for a not-out-of-beta implementation. :-)

You didn't misunderstand - I made a bad assumption that the "basics"
of how a Lua FFI library should ideally work were (more or less)
already established, and that it was just a matter of deciding on the
concrete details of an API for it, and that that could be done
independently of actually writing code for it. But as you explained,
that's not the case at all, there are thorny unknowns that mean you
can't make any such confident decisions ahead of time.

> I might be coerced
> into rambling about the included functionality though.

Well, I know *I'm* always very interested to hear this stuff. :-)
