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This will be awesome for users of libraries like luabind.  The side-effect hints, however LuaJIT
will do it, will probably be expressed via luabind policies:

using namespace luabind;
module(L) [
    // jit_no_lua_reentry may be a combination of policies
    def( "myfunc", &myfunc, luabind::jit_no_lua_reentry() )
   ,def( "func_a", &func_a, luabind::jit_no_globals() + luabind::jit_)
        // for basic types, LuaJIT can directly access the member's memory location?
       .def_readwrite( "bar", &Foo::bar, luabind::jit_raw_value() )

Just some hopes and ideas,

Mike Pall wrote:
> Peter Cawley wrote:
>> Along the same lines, I noticed that in a recent project, most of my
>> C(++) glue functions did very simple things - read some values off the
>> Lua stack, call some C++ method, and push the results back onto the
>> stack. It seems to me rather wasteful for LuaJIT to setup a stack,
>> call my C(++) function, have that call back to the API to read/write
>> values, then have LuaJIT tear the stack down again.
> Yes, now that everything else has gotten so fast, that's the main
> performance bottleneck when calling C functions from compiled Lua
> code. And it gets worse: the compiler can't optimize across such
> calls, because they might have arbitrary side-effects (changing a
> global, growing/reallocating a table etc.).
>> For a large
>> proportion of these functions, I consider it plausible that LuaJIT
>> could disassemble the C(++) function, replace the calls to the Lua API
>> with inline assembler, and then be able to call the resulting function
>> without having to mess around with moving stuff on and off the stack -
>> effectively turning arbitrary C(++) functions into fast functions.
> It's plausible, but it won't be pretty. And the complexity grows
> quickly. Just think of a C function which calls printf(...) (e.g.
> for debugging). You can't easily trace through half of libc to
> prove that it doesn't mess with the Lua stack. You're basically
> lost at any indirect call (e.g. the PLT).
>> Obviously the whole disassembling and re-writing process is more
>> complex than the proposed FFI interface in [1], but it would allow the
>> re-use of existing binding code
> There is already backwards compatibility for existing bindings.
> It's just not that fast. If you want it to be fast, use the FFI.
> And provided that one can make its use very comfortable, it
> shouldn't be too difficult to overcome inertia.
> --Mike