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steve donovan wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Enrico Colombini <> wrote:
>> I have very low tolerance for slow development environments. Even less if
>> they are unreliable. Maybe other people will get a different impression.
> Totally agree, which is one of the reasons I like Lua.   I have  also
> a smart friend who tried the Android SDK and gave up in confusion -
> and he does embedded C++ for a living!

Well, as a counter-example, I work with embedded systems for a living
and find Android an *utter joy* to use. The SDK Just Works. I can fire
up the IDE, create a project, plug in the phone, press the run button
and it runs (on the phone). I can then press the debug button and it
debugs (on the phone).

If you compare Android to WinMo, there is simply no comparison. And
let's not even mention the long-drawn-out train wreck that is Symbian. I
have yet to see any other embedded development environment that is as
easy to use and work with as Android.

(Oh, and Android does come with a Lua interpreter --- but I don't know
if it's available for use by applications.)

David Given