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Hi everybody,

I would like to request comments to some table enhancements below.
I apologize in advance if these propositions were already posted. I'm
new on this forum and couldn't search the previous messages.

Proposition 1. Make the separator optional in table initialization


It seems that all the syntactic sugar implemented in Lua aims to
improve the legibility and perhaps reduce the typing effort.

As the separator (;) is optional between statements, in some
situations the required separator in table initializations seems to be
a annoying alien stuff.

 { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }  =>    { 1 2 3 4 5 }
 { 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1 }  => { 0 1 1 0 1 1 }

function_variable { 'name'

while flag do


CHANGE>  fieldlist ::= field {fieldsep field} [fieldsep]

TO>      fieldlist ::= field { [fieldsep] field} [fieldsep]

The compiler seems to be read to accept the change, because the execution of

local t = { 1+2+3 , 4+5    6+7 } generates an error: '}' expected near 6

Proposition 2. Extending the function name syntactic sugar to tables.

For example:

local function name() end       is equivalent to          local name =
function() end
local var = function name() end  generates a error

So, in table initialization, the construction:

local t = {  function name() end }

could be equivalent to

local t = { name = function() end }


local t = {  field = function name() end }

also should generate a error


Proposition 3: Unquoted strings constants: Define a string constant
without use of enclosing quotation marks - perhaps only in table

This can be done using 2 approaches:

a) The simplest approach is define a single word string using a prefix
like a . (period) or \ (backslash) or any other light-weight
fast-typing symbol.

For example:

countries = { "US", "BR", "CA", "RU", "FR" }  => { .US, .BR, .CA, .RU, .FR }
countries = { "US", "BR", "CA", "RU", "FR" }  => { \US, \BR, \CA, \RU, \FR }

Using 1 and 3 together:

countries = { "US", "BR", "CA", "RU", "FR" }  => { .US  .BR  .CA  .RU  .FR }
colors = { "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black" }  => { .red
.green .blue .yellow .black }

The period could generate a scan error is  "US".."Tx" => .US...TX, but
it will be easily  solved using a with a space.

b) The complex and may be unfeasible approach is that:
Today, every syntactic element Name is evaluated as a expression and
if there is no entry in environment table with Name, Lua returns nil.

Well, the idea is: in table initializations, when the compiler uses
the production field ::= exp and the exp is a single Name
and Lua could not find a value, it will return the lexical element
Name as a string.

field ::= `[´ exp `]´ `=´ exp | Name `=´ exp | exp

OK,  it's may not be an excellent solution but the effect would be
great. For example:

{ "US", "BR", "CA", "RU", "FR" }  => { US, BR, CA, RU, FR }

Using 1 and 3 together:

countries = { "US", "BR", "CA", "RU", "FR" }  => { US  BR  CA  RU  FR }
colors = { "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "black" }  => { red green
blue yellow black }

Well, That´s it.
