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Enrico Colombini <> writes:

> On 13/12/2010 13.10, David Kastrup wrote:
>>>   t = { 1, 2, 3, nil, 5, 6, 7, ... } -- a very very large table
>>> #t would be 3.
>>> Now fill the hole:
>>>   t[4] = 4
>>> To update #t correctly according to your definition, all the remaining
>>> length of the array would probably have to be traversed sequentially.
>> Why? t[4] = 4 will presumably just increase the array part by one,
>> resulting in #t == 4.
> Why? From the user's point of view, the table will then be a proper
> array with non-nil indexes from 1 to (a possibly very large) n, so the
> user will expect #t to return n. Having it return any other value will
> be confusing and, practically speaking, nondeterministic.
> (or maybe I missed your point)

Of course it is "nondeterministic" since the user created a continuous
part discontinuously which would simply be undefined behavior.

The question is how to amortize the cost of

t[#t+1] = x

I see a few approaches here:

a) #t corresponds to the array part always.  When inserting at #t+1,
   check whether there is an entry in the associative part and if present,
   a1) overwrite it, leaving #t where it is
   a2) move it to the array part, bumping #t up
       a21) by one
       222) until we don't find an associative part entry anymore,
            moving associative entries to the array part in the processs 
   otherwise create a new entry in the array part and
   1) bump #t by 1
   2) bump #t until we don't find...
b) Don't let me start...

Things like "bump #t until" are expensive.  Both because they incur
potential large one-time costs, and because even if the "until"
condition is false, every super-correct sequential addition to the array
part requires checking the associative part.

So I lean towards "sane results only for sane users".  Meaning the array
part gets extended when inserting at #t+1, by one.  And shrunk when
deleting at #t.  And those operations don't look at the associative part
at all.  There is one bad consequence to be expected: stuff in the array
part shadowing stuff unwisely placed in the associative part previously,
which will resurface when shrinking the array part properly.

The other solutions apparently incur additional costs.

David Kastrup