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I looked at some Lua wrappers a while back.

After a bit of evaluation, I decided to add our own wrappers and added push_xxx, to_xxx and check_xxx functions that know about our classes / vectors / enumerations and so on, in the same style as the normal Lua C interface.

- Everything looks like 'normal' Lua bindings. No need to learn two different style interfaces for doing bindings.
- Low complexity.
- Shallow call stacks, easy to debug.
- Quick compilation, works well with edit & continue, since pretty much any bindings change is local to one .cpp file. - Easy to do bindings that are not simply wrapping methods and properties, like setting properties on a table reading and writing data in a database.
- Small.
- Fast.

- More verbose code.
- Harder to learn for C++ coders who don't know the Lua stack, and are more used to working with classes and templates.

I'm sure some other wrappers also have some of the advantages above, I haven't looked at everything in depth, and it was some time ago. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though.

Christian Tellefsen