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Thanks to you (Philippe) and Terry for your responses!

Since my goal is to write a lexer for Scintilla, the approach you 
describe for running Lua code in SciTE sounds good!  (I will have to 
upgrade my SciTE to the latest version (because it supports Lua lexers 
sort of by default, iiuc), but I should be able to manage that (maybe 
after Christmas).

Thanks again!
Randy Kramer

On Wednesday 22 December 2010 11:47:22 am Philippe Lhoste wrote:
> On 22/12/2010 17:06, Randy Kramer wrote:
> > Can lpeg be used on codepad?  How?  I get a bunch of error messages
> > (below) when I issue 'require "lpeg"', so I guess the lpeg module
> > isn't present in codepad.  Is there a (simple) way to add it?
> Not sure what is codepad, I suppose it is an Internet site to test
> Lua code?
> > If not, is there something else more or less like codepad that I
> > can use to quickly run snippets of lua with lpad for learning
> > purposes?
> Well, if I have Lua available on my computer (and it is trivial to
> add, even from an USB key), I usually just have some test files where
> I type my code. In SciTE, I just hit F5 to test, or I have a command
> line window next to the editor to run my code. Works for any language
> (with or without an additional compile step), lightweight and fast
> (and can highlight lines with errors).