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On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 12:15 AM, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:

> If we're to submit these questions to SO, the questions and answers
> should be more elaborate.

I agree, although not solely because of the SO policies. But I don't
think the elaboration necessarily needs to be in the answer to each
question. I spend a lot of time writing software documentation.
Maintaining your information in modular bite-size hunks (and hence
linkable or transcludable) dramatically simplifies the documentation
for both users and the documentation author.

E.g., write the recipe for ./configure;make/make install once and link
it or transclude it rather than repeating those instructions
repeatedly. If you don't, you'll wind up skimping on the instructions,
over and over again, which leads only to more questions or
dissatisfied users.

"Only keyboard it once" is the Holy Grail of document assembly.

Best regards,


NoteCase Pro
The Massively Multi-Platform Outliner