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- Subject: Re: LuaJIT2 performance for number crunching
- From: Francesco Abbate <francesco.bbt@...>
- Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2011 23:28:38 +0100
Hi all,
here I am again with my Lua numeric algorithm implementation. I've
managed to write the rkf45 ODE integrator in vector form using the
cblas functions to perform vector arithmentic.
The results is good in term of accuracy, I've tested for the same
example as before with N=2 and I obtain the same results. For the
other side the execution is speed is ~ 100x - 150x slower!
I guess the reason is that, once again, for some reason LuaJIT2 refuse
to compile the code but I don't have any clear idea of why that
In attachment you will find the algorithm in vector form
rkf45vec.lua.in and the result after template preprocessing,
rkf45vec-out.lua. I include also the good version of the template and
the benchmark code.
Please note that you cannot run it with plain luajit2 because this
latter isn't linked with cblas as gsl shell. I guess that this problem
can be easily solved by loading the cblas library but I can give more
help if needed.
I've given a look at the trace and it seems that the root of the
problem is the cblas function that LuaJIT2 doesn't like:
[TRACE --- rkf45vec-out.lua:78 -- NYI: unsupported C function type at
the function incriminated is cblas_daxpy. But I don't really know.
I hope that Mike can save me yet another time! :-)
Description: Binary data
local abs, max, min = math.abs, math.max, math.min
local ffi = require "ffi"
local vecsize = 2 * ffi.sizeof('double')
typedef struct {
double t;
double h;
double y[2];
double dydt[2];
} odevec_state;
typedef struct {
double y0[2];
double ytmp[2];
double k1[2];
double k2[2];
double k3[2];
double k4[2];
double k5[2];
double k6[2];
} ode_workspace;
void cblas_daxpy (const int N, const double ALPHA,
const double * X, const int INCX,
double * Y, const int INCY);
int cblas_idamax (const int N, const double * X, const int INCX);
void cblas_dscal (const int N, const double ALPHA, double * X, const int INCX);
local function ode_new()
return ffi.new('odevec_state')
local function ode_init(s, t0, h0, f, y)
ffi.copy(s.y, y, vecsize)
f(t0, s.y, s.dydt)
s.t = t0
s.h = h0
local function hadjust(rmax, h)
local S = 0.9
if rmax > 1.1 then
local r = S / rmax^(1/5)
r = max(0.2, r)
return r * h, -1
elseif rmax < 0.5 then
local r = S / rmax^(1/(5+1))
r = max(1, min(r, 5))
return r * h, 1
return h, 0
local ws = ffi.new('ode_workspace')
local function rkf45_evolve(s, f, t1)
local t, h = s.t, s.h
local hadj, inc
ffi.copy (ws.y0, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.copy (ws.k1, s.dydt, vecsize)
if t + h > t1 then h = t1 - t end
while h > 0 do
local rmax = 0
ffi.copy (ws.ytmp, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.25, ws.k1, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
-- k2 step
f(t + 0.25 * h, ws.ytmp, ws.k2)
ffi.copy (ws.ytmp, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.09375, ws.k1, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.28125, ws.k2, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
-- k3 step
f(t + 0.375 * h, ws.ytmp, ws.k3)
ffi.copy (ws.ytmp, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.87938097405553, ws.k1, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -3.2771961766045, ws.k2, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 3.3208921256259, ws.k3, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
-- k4 step
f(t + 0.92307692307692 * h, ws.ytmp, ws.k4)
ffi.copy (ws.ytmp, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 2.0324074074074, ws.k1, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -8, ws.k2, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 7.1734892787524, ws.k3, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -0.20589668615984, ws.k4, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
-- k5 step
f(t + 1 * h, ws.ytmp, ws.k5)
ffi.copy (ws.ytmp, s.y, vecsize)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -0.2962962962963, ws.k1, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 2, ws.k2, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -1.3816764132554, ws.k3, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.45297270955166, ws.k4, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -0.275, ws.k5, 1, ws.ytmp, 1)
-- k6 step and final sum
-- since k2 is no more used we could use k2 to store k6
f(t + 0.5 * h, ws.ytmp, ws.k6)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.11851851851852, ws.k1, 1, s.y, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.51898635477583, ws.k3, 1, s.y, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.50613149034202, ws.k4, 1, s.y, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * -0.18, ws.k5, 1, s.y, 1)
ffi.C.cblas_daxpy (2, h * 0.036363636363636, ws.k6, 1, s.y, 1)
local yerr, r, d0
yerr = h * (0.0027777777777778 * ws.k1[0] + -0.029941520467836 * ws.k3[0] + -0.029199893673578 * ws.k4[0] + 0.02 * ws.k5[0] + 0.036363636363636 * ws.k6[0])
d0 = 0 * (1 * abs(s.y[0])) + 1e-06
r = abs(yerr) / abs(d0)
rmax = max(r, rmax)
yerr = h * (0.0027777777777778 * ws.k1[1] + -0.029941520467836 * ws.k3[1] + -0.029199893673578 * ws.k4[1] + 0.02 * ws.k5[1] + 0.036363636363636 * ws.k6[1])
d0 = 0 * (1 * abs(s.y[1])) + 1e-06
r = abs(yerr) / abs(d0)
rmax = max(r, rmax)
hadj, inc = hadjust(rmax, h)
if inc >= 0 then break end
ffi.copy(s.y, ws.y0, vecsize)
h = hadj
f(t + h, s.y, s.dydt)
s.t = t + h
s.h = hadj
return h
return {new= ode_new, init= ode_init, evolve= rkf45_evolve}
-- A Lua preprocessor for template code specialization.
-- Adapted by Steve Donovan, based on original code of Rici Lake.
local M = {}
local function preprocess(chunk, name, defs)
local function parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk, s, e)
local append, format = table.insert, string.format
local s = 1
for term, executed, e in chunk:gmatch("()$(%b())()") do
format("%q..(%s or '')..", chunk:sub(s, term - 1), executed))
s = e
append(pieces, format("%q", chunk:sub(s)))
local function parseHashLines(chunk)
local append = table.insert
local pieces, s, args = chunk:find("^\n*#ARGS%s*(%b())[ \t]*\n")
if not args or find(args, "^%(%s*%)$") then
pieces, s = {"return function(_put) ", n = 1}, s or 1
pieces = {"return function(_put, ", args:sub(2), n = 2}
while true do
local ss, e, lua = chunk:find("^#+([^\n]*\n?)", s)
if not e then
ss, e, lua = chunk:find("\n#+([^\n]*\n?)", s)
append(pieces, "_put(")
parseDollarParen(pieces, chunk:sub(s, ss))
append(pieces, ")")
if not e then break end
append(pieces, lua)
s = e + 1
append(pieces, " end")
return table.concat(pieces)
local ppenv
if defs._self then
ppenv = defs._self
ppenv = {string= string, table= table, template= M}
for k, v in pairs(defs) do ppenv[k] = v end
ppenv._self = ppenv
local include = function(filename)
return M.process(filename, ppenv)
setfenv(include, ppenv)
ppenv.include = include
local code = parseHashLines(chunk)
local fcode = loadstring(code, name)
if fcode then
setfenv(fcode, ppenv)
return fcode()
local function read_file(filename)
local f = io.open(filename)
local content = f:read('*a')
return content
local function process(filename, defs)
local template = read_file(filename)
local codegen = preprocess(template, 'ode_codegen', defs)
local code = {}
local add = function(s) code[#code+1] = s end
return table.concat(code)
local function require(filename)
local f = loadstring(process(filename .. '.lua.in', {}), 'ode_out')
if not f then error 'error loading ODE module' end
return f()
local function load(filename, defs)
local f = loadstring(process(filename, defs), 'ode_out')
if not f then error 'error loading ODE module' end
return f()
M.process = process
M.require = require
M.load = load
return M
local template = require 'template'
local ffi = require "ffi"
local ode_spec = {N = 2, eps_abs = 1e-6, eps_rel = 0, a_y = 1, a_dydt = 0}
local ode = template.load('rkf45vec.lua.in', ode_spec)
function f_vanderpol_gen(mu)
return function(t, y, f)
f[0] = y[1]
f[1] = -y[0] + mu * y[1] * (1-y[0]^2)
local f = f_vanderpol_gen(10.0)
local s = ode.new()
local y = ffi.new('double[2]', {1, 0})
local t0, t1, h0 = 0, 20000, 0.01
local init, evol = ode.init, ode.evolve
for k=1, 10 do
init(s, t0, h0, f, y)
while s.t < t1 do
evol(s, f, t1)
print(s.t, s.y[0], s.y[1])