To ease installation and improve stability when moving scripts around, I need to load Lua files relative to the current file. What I basically need is a local FILE_DIR variable set to the file's directory.
My solution involves inserting a "local FILE_DIR" at the top of the files on file load but I wonder if there is a better way to solve this problem...
function lk.dofile(filepath)
local abs_path = filepath
local cur_path = lfs.currentdir()
if not string.match(abs_path, '^/') then
abs_path = string.format('%s/%s', cur_path, filepath)
----------- FILE_DIR hack -----------
local code_str = string.format("local FILE_DIR = '%s';%s", string.gsub(abs_path, '/[^/]+$', ''), lk.readall(abs_path))
local code = assert(loadstring(code_str))