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This is getting off-topic, but I feel the need to clarify my position.

On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 01:27, Alexander Gladysh <> wrote:

> I would fire a person that would try to *write* (i.e. create) a
> library or other piece of code, that uses Lua internals like Fleece
> does, to be used in commercial production system that I control,
> *without* getting my (or his direct superior's) explicit and motivated
> *permission* to do so. (Actually it is a maxim — that person is likely
> to be off with nothing more than a hard talk.)

Why would I do so?

This hypothetical person just spent a couple of man/weeks writing a
high-risk piece of code. He violated a "contract" of the third-party
system in a hard way.

Such violation would incur high maintenance costs — we can't upgrade
without checking *everything* a million times, we can't migrate to a
compatible system, and now we need an expert-level engineer to work
with the offending code — private parts rarely have a good
documentation or a good support.

The offending person either committed offense intentionally — then he
should have consulted with the people who have the whole picture first
— as I said there *are* cases when such engineering "sin" is
inevitable. Or the offending person committed this offense without
giving it much thought — in this case he probably is not mature enough
to do serious coding. (I'm not suggesting that Fleece or you, Henning,
as its developer, fit in any of these scenarios — read on.)

(Actually, while I keep talking about the third-party systems, the
same reasoning applies for the internals of our own systems as well —
privates are a no-no.)

Now this all veered far from the original discussion — into
hypothetical rhetorics. This *whole* point is *not applicable* to the
situation with Fleece — as Fleece is not a part of my production
system and, of course, was never intended to be.

If a person will try to *use* any library that uses private Lua
internals in the production code that I control, this person will be
re-lectured about the guidelines for the commercial production code,
but, likely, nothing worse than that.

The above does not, of course, apply to any persons who are not
employed with me, and, in context of Fleece discussion, should be
viewed as a voice from a crowd, nothing more. Note that all other
posters in this thread did support Fleece approach. (Which I,
personally, find to be the most strange — but maybe I am missing

Anyway, diversity is good for community health. :-)
