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Hi, I'm trying to wrap C++ object. Currently, I can call C++ constructors, destructors and methods on object but I can't call attributes in lua like : myObject.myAttribute (can't call the get or the set) Here's my code : gnMetaClass const& rMetaClass = a_rMetaType.GetMetaClass(); gnPrintA oPrint; gnSzA szClassName = gnStrConvert(rMetaClass.GetName().Sz(), oPrint); // MetaTable = {} luaL_newmetatable(m_pState, szClassName); // MetaTable int iMetaTable = lua_gettop(m_pState); // MetaTable.__gc = gc_account lua_pushliteral(m_pState, "__gc"); // MetaTable "__gc" lua_pushcfunction(m_pState, GarbageCollecting); // MetaTable "__gc" GarbageCollecting lua_settable(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable // MetaTable.__tostring = ToString lua_pushliteral(m_pState, "__tostring"); // MetaTable "__tostring" lua_pushcfunction(m_pState, ToString); // MetaTable "__tostring" ToString lua_settable(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable // MetaTable.__index = MethodTable lua_pushliteral(m_pState, "__index"); // MetaTable "__index" lua_pushvalue(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable "__index" MetaTable lua_settable(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable gnMetaFieldVector vMetaFields; rMetaClass.GetAllMetaFields(vMetaFields); GN_FOREACH_IT_CONST(gnMetaFieldVector, vMetaFields, it) { gnIMetaField const& rMetaField = **it; gnPrintA oPrint; gnSzA szFieldName = gnStrConvert(rMetaField.GetName().Sz(), oPrint); //Push the name of the field (the key in the iMetaTable) lua_pushstring(m_pState, szFieldName); //Create a new closure for each field gnPseudoField* pPseudoField = (gnPseudoField*)lua_newuserdata(m_pState, sizeof(gnPseudoField)); gnAssertBase(pPseudoField != NULL, 0x4AA40200, "Allocation of new user data failed"); pPseudoField->m_rMetaField = rMetaField; // MetaTable szMethodName rMetaMethod //gnIMetaMethod const& rMetaMethod = gnMetaClass::GetMetaAttribute::G(it); // // MetaTable szMethodName Dispatch //lua_pushlightuserdata(m_pState, (void*)pPseudoField); lua_pushcclosure(m_pState, DispatchField, 1); // Affect the entry in the iMetaTable, and pop key and value lua_settable(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable } vMetaFields.Clear(); // Drop MetaTable //lua_pop(m_pState, 1); //lua_newtable(m_pState); //iMetaTable = lua_gettop(m_pState); //iMetaTable = lua_gettop(m_pState); // Fill method table with methods from class T gnMetaMethodVector vMetaMethods; rMetaClass.GetAllMetaMethods(vMetaMethods); GN_FOREACH_IT_CONST(gnMetaMethodVector, vMetaMethods, it) { gnIMetaMethod const& rMetaMethod = gnMetaClass::GetMetaMethod(it); gnPrintA oPrint; gnSzA szMethodName = gnStrConvert(rMetaMethod.GetName().Sz(), oPrint); // Push the name of the method (ie the key in the iMetaTable) lua_pushstring(m_pState, szMethodName); // MetaTable szMethodName // Create a new closure for each method (with the gnMetaMethod in it) gnPseudoMethod* pPseudoMethod = (gnPseudoMethod*)lua_newuserdata(m_pState, sizeof(gnPseudoMethod)); gnAssertBase(pPseudoMethod != NULL, 0x64E80200, "Allocation of new user data failed"); pPseudoMethod->m_rMetaMethod = rMetaMethod; // MetaTable szMethodName rMetaMethod lua_pushcclosure(m_pState, DispatchMethod, 1); // MetaTable szMethodName Dispatch // Affect the entry in the iMetaTable, and pop key and value lua_settable(m_pState, iMetaTable); // MetaTable } vMetaMethods.Clear(); // Drop MetaTable lua_pop(m_pState, 1); // // Constructor gnBoxedMetaType* pBoxedMetaType = (gnBoxedMetaType*)lua_newuserdata(m_pState, sizeof(gnBoxedMetaType)); gnAssertBase(pBoxedMetaType != NULL, 0x58500200, "Allocation of new user data failed"); pBoxedMetaType->m_oMetaType = a_rMetaType; lua_pushcclosure(m_pState, New, 1); lua_setglobal(m_pState, szClassName); Does anyone could help me ? Thanks, Tim |