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On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Thomas Fletcher <> wrote:


I have to implement some asynchronous socket content loading within the context of a

Lua script callout.  Normally I would use co-routines, but the environment within which

I'm working that isn't an option (Lua script execution is 'secondary' to the main application).


I was looking at LuaLanes and LuaTask as my two principle choices, but neither one seems

to have much activity and/or documentation around them so I'm just wondering if I should

be looking at something else or if these projects are just 'complete' and as such no activity

is warranted.


Opinions welcome.





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Hi ,

I "evaluated" (actually skimmed through their documentation) the, at that time (2009) available options and chose LuaLanes.  It was the only one cross platform and definite mention of the ability to kill a thread.  Have to admit I only launch threads and await their results in my application (no inter process communication).  Lanes hasn't disappointed me (to make a safe statement).

cheers ,
