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Charles Engelhard <> writes:

> Technically, this addition to the language would also mean that the
> coroutine library could be implemented in pure Lua! This might not be
> a good idea for performance reasons (depending on implementations) but
> is another good argument for the power of the feature. Similarly, it
> would allow for all sorts of non-local exits, such as exceptions. 
> Lua has been in a state of "almost having continuations" for a while,
> and I think it's about time to bring them in. A lexical goto would be
> a novel, straightforward, and unsurprising way of doing this. 

Scheme tries to be incomprehensible by mapping everything and its dog
through the concept of continuations, a barely structured approach.

Now Lua should try to become incomprehensible by mapping everything
through the concept of goto, an unstructured approach?

Back to the BASICs?

David Kastrup