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While going through the code in lauxlib.c (in RC7 which seems to be
identical to the final beta release candidate) to see how error handlers
in lua_pcall work, I noticed a couple of things about the code that
generates stack traces that I thought I'd point out.

* findfield includes a variable named found that's initialized to 0 and
  used in the while loop condition, but never set to any other value
  (the function returns directly when it finds what it's looking for).

* pushfuncname checks the activation record's 'what' field to see if
  it's 'C' or 't', and if so it thinks it has a function and tries to
  find the name for it. The documentation doesn't mention anything
  about what 't' might mean. 

I searched but couldn't find anything that would set the 'what' field
to anything other than the documented values. Assuming that's the case
the code could be cleaned up a little bit.

I thought I'd mention it for the sake of clarity, since the final
version isn't released yet.