local hyperbanana,sit inside,callifragilistic,somebody,X,Y,X'
-- Fit 1
You have some type of gadget - let us call the gadgets 'hyperbananas'.
One hyperbanana may well 'sit inside' another bigger hyperbanana.
Some hyperbananas may have a useful/weird/desirable property of
being 'callifragilistic'.
-- Fit 2
Somebody proves that every hyperbanana sits inside a callifragilistic
-- Fit 3
Somebody proves that for any hyperbanana X there is callifragilistic
hyperbana X' with the property that, whatever the callifragilistic
hyperbana Y, if X sits inside Y then X' also sits inside Y.
Under these circumstances one would say that X' was a callifragilistic
completion of X.
return 'completion'