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Daniel Hertrich wrote:
> I'd like to shorten an if condition such as:

> if strCustomPropertyValue == "inbox" or strCustomPropertyValue ==
> "today" or strCustomPropertyValue == "thisweek" or
> strCustomPropertyValue == "thismonth" or strCustomPropertyValue ==
> "thisyear" or strCustomPropertyValue == "later" or
> strCustomPropertyValue == "someday" or strCustomPropertyValue ==
> "archive"  or strCustomPropertyValue == "otherpersons"  then
> ...
> end

An alternative to the solution with tables is a vararg function:

function is_one_of(value, ...)
    for k, v in ipairs(arg) do
        if v == value then return true end

You can use it like this:

if is_one_of(strCustomPropertyValue,
            "inbox", "thisweek", "thismonth", "thisyear", "later",
            "someday", "archive", "otherpersons") then

-- Gregory