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Have you considered a contribution model? I for one bought PiL 2 as
act of appreciation, but never actually read it. So how about a
possibility of appreciations with less dead trees? (I realize now I
could've boought a PDF, but back then it was too unobvious and a few
Amazon Clicks too easy).

- Axel

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:48 PM, Roberto Ierusalimschy
<> wrote:
>> Furthermore, please do not open access to PiL 2 when PiL 3 would be published.
> Just for correction: we did not open the access to PiL 1 when we
> published PiL 2. It went free online a few months after we published it
> (see, years before PiL 2. It did hurt the
> sales of the printed version, so we decided not to open the access to
> the second edition.
> The book gives us more than pocket money (although not enough for a 50
> foot yacht yet). In fact, buying books is a very good way to contribute
> to the project. So, currently we have no plans to put newer editions
> free online.
> Alexander has reasons for his complain. Many people arrive at the book
> through Google, frequently landing right on a particular page. No amount
> of warning in the main page will help. And the outdated information may
> be a real source of noise.  For instance, some time ago we had to add a
> warning on a page (, after too many
> complains that "a first example" did not work.
> To remove PiL 1 from the site seems a too radical "solution", but I
> think we could do something about this problem. One solution would
> be to add warnings about deprecated features (like the one about
> luaL_openlibs). That seems a lot of work. Another would be to add a
> generic warning (maybe with a link to the "Incompatibilities" section of
> the manual and adds for the second edition ;) at the top of every page.
> -- Roberto