On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:38 AM, Luciano de Souza <luchyanus@gmail.com> wrote:You might want to give LunarCGI[1] a try. Since the latest release, it
> Hi all,
> What is the simplest way to run a Lua script in Apache producing web pages?
> I am not an experienced developer, I don't want to invest now in very
> complex APIs.
features LunarRouter, which parses PATH_INFO similar to ruby's
The API is also extremely simple- the directory "examples" might be of use.
Also, LunarCGI runs on bareboned CGI, and doesn't require any
additional installation. Well, except for a Lua interpreter, of
[1] https://github.com/beelzebub/LunarCGI
</shameless-selfpromoting> :-P