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It was thus said that the Great steve donovan once stated:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Josh Simmons <> wrote:
> > Interestingly enough this is actually worse if you use module and they
> > both name themselves 'dns' in which case the value of the global just
> > depends on who got in last.
> This is true, but it's more a social problem. Sean's solution seems a
> little extreme but at least he takes namespacing seriously!  And we
> can always just ignore the global ;)
> Personally, I'd declare myself as agnostic on the module() question.
> It's dangers have been oversold, but personally I use the no-magic
> style in public projects because then the code can integrate with any
> other style, including sandboxed code.

  A question:  Two modules use Penlight, foo and bar.  If I include foo and
bar into a project, does that mean I have two instances of Penlight loaded?
