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On 10/27/2011 3:08 AM, steve donovan wrote:
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 11:46 PM, Jimmie Houchin<>  wrote:
And I don't believe that SciTE is necessarily going to be the ultimate user
experience for Lua. I don't know that we know what that is yet.
As an alternative to SciTE, have a look at Textadept:

What's very cool about this is that it has a small C code (about
2Kloc) and the rest is just plain Lua. And michell believes in good
documentation, which is a rare pleasure.

It's still immature compared to SciTE in many ways, but it's fun to
hack and does the split view thing nicely.

However, I cannot forget my responsibilities ;)  I do the debugger
extension for SciTE and it needs a review.

steve d.
I had seen Textadept some time in the past, but had forgotten about it.

It is a much more minimal interface than I am accustomed to.
I presently am quite fond of tabs like in SciTE.

After a very brief trial, I think I stay with SciTE for now. I am reasonably comfortable with it. I like the tabs, and the icons.

The one thing I am not used to is the more explicit style of autocomplete.

I am used to autocompletion being offered earlier and implicitly in the coding.

In Smalltalk it is as soon as you start typing a method name or a variable name. In many Python editors, at least start autocomplete (suggestions) at the '.' (period) when entering into a method. They also potentially will autocomplete/autofill in default args at the open parens.

So far from what I see in SciTE and it seems also in Textadept, that it is necessary to do Ctrl-Enter to initiate the autocomplete suggestions.

Regardless, both of these tools can be hacked with Lua. :)

Much to learn.

Thanks for the reminder. I will keep my eye on Textadept and possibly, it and I will find a happy place in the future.

Jimmie Houchin