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On 27 October 2011 22:52, Dimiter 'malkia' Stanev <> wrote:
> Has anyone considered using premake?


I have used Premake for maybe 5 or 6 years, ever since coming across
it in CEGUI. Personally I think it is great* and Jason (Starkos) has
made a valuable tool which I use to start any new project rather than
jumping into an IDE.

> It's written in "C" but extended through lua.
I do not know if I would agree with this. Most of the C code is
actually Lua itself although there are small pieces of C which are
mostly platform specific, whilst the bulk of the code is actually
written in Lua yet copied to C arrays to make a single binary.

* Biased, I have been committing code to Premake for about a year.