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This looks awesome.  When I ported the coffeescript compiler from ruby to coffee/js I used Jison.   You could use that to write a fast compiler that ran in a node server or a browser.

-- Sent from my HP TouchPad

On Nov 6, 2011 10:50 AM, Maximilian Herkender <> wrote:
I did, I even tried different implementations of Lua. It was always prohibitively slow. My solution is orders of magnitude faster than anything I ever tried with Emscripten. The same goes for Alchemy, the Flash equivalent.

On Sun, Nov 6, 2011 at 7:03 AM, Joshua Ballanco <> wrote:
Have you looked at Emscripten ( There's an example of Lua running in the browser here:

- Josh

On Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 6:26 PM, Maximilian Herkender wrote:

Hi, I wanted to share a Lua-related experiment I've written.

Basically, it converts a single Lua script into a _javascript_ equivalent.

It works by parsing normal Lua code and wrapping pretty much every Lua operation around a function to maintain compatibility, and using _javascript_ constructs wherever possible, the result being a pretty fast _javascript_ version of a Lua script. It seems like there's only a handful of Lua features that seem to be completely incompatible with this style of translation.

Still, this is better used as a proof-of-concept rather than a legitimate tool. I didn't plan much in advance so it's only clear to me now that it should've been written in _javascript_ instead of Python, which makes this something of a dead end. Since it works for what I've been using it for, and I'm having trouble finding an equivalent to ply for _javascript_, I decided to put it up online for now in case anyone would like to check it out.
