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On 11-12-29 10:59 AM, wrote:

Anyone know how to write to 3 output files - see below.

This writes to console window ok for the entire file, but

I would like to write to three separate files.


My Progress,

here is my program - how do I open and print to 3 files, this does not work. ("MAC.dat" , w) ("IP1.dat" , w) ("IP2.dat" , w)

for s in io.lines("2011_12_02_sfccnetword20.txt") do

    for a in s:gmatch("DHCP.-to MAC address (.-),") do print("MAC",a) end
    for a in s:gmatch("DoS.-from ip.%[(.-)%]") do print("IP1",a) end
    for a in s:gmatch("LAN.-%] from (.-):.- to") do print("IP2",a) end



I already showed you io.write offlist before this posting. A simple search for lua io.write would have turned up lots of examples on the net.

Other list members have helped me so much over the past two years and I am trying to work off the debt helping others but please do put in some effort.