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> I would personally not like as it makes the syntax inconsistent, in this case
sometimes it is mandatory and
> sometimes it isn't. Consistency has a lot of benefits.

I too am a big fan of consistency.  We would be more consistent (IMHO) if we
dropped the option of no parentheses from function calls.  I think we could then
remove commas from the language (or at least make them optional).

function test(a, b, c)
   print "note"
   for i,v in ipairs(a) do
       b = {1, 2, 3, "boom", {4,5,6}, }
   return a, b, 15, "ok"

could become

function test(a b c)
   for i v in ipairs(a) do
       b = {1 2 3 "boom" {4 5 6} }
   return a b 15 "ok"

This feels much cleaner and consistent to me.

- Greg