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On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 6:31 AM, Rena <> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 22:26, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> Why is it that we always have so much fun on lua-list discussing
> syntax features that obviously the triumvirate will never include
> in any future Lua?
> Is it for the same reason that we love to plan how we will spend
> our Lotto winnings, or what it would be like to spend an evening
> in the company of <enter name of celebrity>?

Well, Lua is open-source. Maybe someone will be inspired to make their
own new language based on it.

I feel these endless discussions on syntax are boring. It's like talking about a new [boy/girl]friend saying "[he/she] is really clever and nice but i really have to convice [him/her] to change haircut".

In the end we are a great deal attached to people and things on a direct proportion to the effort we made to adapt (or viewed differently on how much they changed us). Lua changed my way of thinking about concurrency, delegation and a mix of object and functional programming. From there, everything that is different from what I would have done is just seen as part of the language character and it reminds me of the designers and their tastes making the language feel more "alive" (not counting their great presence on this list). 
