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On 8 March 2012 13:44, Mike Pall <> wrote:
> David Given wrote:
>> I don't know how if this will realistically affect Lua --- it's pretty
>> float-heavy, but people tend not to do number crunching in it. And
>> LuaJIT ignores the ABI anyway and does its own thing, so... *shrug*
> Umm? LuaJIT fully complies to the soft-float ARM EABI (aka armel).
> And the FFI works just fine and has all functionality you'll need
> to control the devices on the Raspberry Pi. Without writing a
> single line of C code.

Indeed, I've tested LuaJIT on the Raspberry Pi and as expected it runs
fantastically well.

If someone wants a cool project, my suggestion would be to look at
implementing something like the many WebGL helper libraries that
Javascript now has in Lua to provide an easy way to use the GLES
libraries provided on the Pi: something like three.js.
