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On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> I'm in favour of a library like Microlight which supplies invert() etc.
> (That thread has gone too quiet.)  Yet …

Jay's point about using HTTP with LuaSocket: I'm relieved that I'm not
the only one who was a wee bit puzzled at first.  So a counterpart to
ML (call it XL) would be a little library of easy-access functions
backed by fuller APIs.

His further point about the lack of instant batteries is of course
important, which is why it's important to have distributions. For
instance, for the RPi we can have LuaRocks and precompiled binary

> Figuring out patterns in other people's code is only unfriendly
> to the rankest of beginners.

Ah, but they have to find a way up to that level.  We speak of the
'learning curve' which is probably better seen as a 3-dimensional
surface; there are always a number of ways up the hill, depending on
prior experience, temperament and preferred sensory channel.

(In learning a language, it's often forgotten that people need to have
lots of good examples to read, which are at the appropriate 'reading

steve d.