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> Out of sheer curiosity, what's that remaining 1%?

Build scripts, and some Shell Invocation.

> You can detect leaks by using Valgrind.
> PS: I didn't give any details as to how to use Valgrind as there are a
> lot of tutorials on the web and the documentation is pretty good.

Thy for the link, I don't have any problems tracing the C part tough.
I just wonder what Tools there are for Lua. Is there for example a
possibilty after manually calling the GC to receive the number of
items it marked?

Using the Lua custom allocator is a nice idea, at least this could do
up/down counting to know the number of Lua objects. Is there any
example how to (mis)use lua_setallocf for this, is there a
lua_setfreef() as well? I cannot find any info on that.