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Coda Highland wrote:
> I've compiled LuaJIT 2.0.0 beta 9 (I've also used trunk, but no
> difference) for 64-bit Mac, static only. The command-line tool works,
> but my application crashes in luaL_newstate(), with no useful stack
> trace. When single-stepping through the code, it gets as far as the
> lj_vm_cpcall invocation inside lj_state_newstate; stepping over this
> (since obviously I can't step INTO it) triggers EXC_BAD_ACCESS and the
> debugger jumps to some other (apparently unrelated) place in the code.

You can step into it with 'stepi'. But first do: display/i $pc
Look for 'vm_cpcall:' in buildvm_x86.dasc.

> I've made sure to link my final application with "-pagezero_size 10000
> -image_base 100000000" but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

If the command-line tool works, but your application doesn't, then
you'll have to closely check your build process. Compare the
headers of your binary and the 'luajit' command-line tool binary
with otool -l. Maybe write a trivial 10-liner that just opens a
state and prints hello?
