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A small question...

ldoc supports markdown readmes, with ldoc @{} in them. Now, if i my
project is in github, github will show the tags as plain text. How would
you handle that situation? The only way I can think of is to have a
plain for github, and put the "ldoc narrative" in another
(I got the idea for using @{} in a github readme from here:



On lun, 2012-03-26 at 18:52 +0200, steve donovan wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is the 1.2 release of LDoc[1], which is a (mostly) LuaDoc
> compatible documentation tool for Lua and Lua C extension code.  If
> your existing LuaDoc-style documentation comments do not work in LDoc,
> then it's a bug (unless you had to do a hack to get LuaDoc to listen
> to you)