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> I've posted it on that everybody can see the source code easily...
> Link:

-- Searches a method in a list of tables. This will be the core
-- of multiple inheritance featur-- Searches an item in a table.
-- Returns true on success, plus the key, otherwise false.
local function table_find(item,table)
        for k in pairs(table) do
                if table[k] == item then return true,k end
        return false

It's more idiomatic to return `nil` if the item is not in the table
and otherwise
return the key.

-- Searches a method in a list of tables. This will be the core
-- of multiple inheritance feature implementation
local function call_method(method,...)
        for k in ipairs(arg) do
                local m = arg[k][method]
                if m and type(m)=='function' then return m end
        return nil

This differs from PiL 16.3 mainly in the type test.  I don't see
the point of allowing users to shadow a superclass method
with something that is not a function.  It seems to be an open
invitation to write buggy programs.  If you don't test, and `m`
is not callable, at least there will be an error later.