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On 3/30/2012 12:45 AM, Valerio Schiavoni wrote:
what is the suggested way to exploit a multicore cpu when using Lua?
Is Lua-Lanes the suggested way to do so ?
The problem with that is: our codebase doesn't rely on it, and this
doesn't seem to be a swap-in replacement.

The ideal scenario I had in mind was the ability to have a modified
LuaVM that bundles LuaLanes behind the scenes, making it invisible
to the developers. Legacy code would not need any modification (calls to
coroutines stay unmodified): the VM transparently
wraps those calls and redirect them to the appropriate LuaLanes calls.
Is this reasonable ? Does this "LuaLanesVM" exists already ?

Are there other ways to exploit multicores ?

Spawning multiple processes, or at least multiple instances of lua states, that communicate through some ipc.

And/Or for more data-heavy process (image filtering, etc.) use language like OpenCL, CUDA - and like lua - most of the implementations allow compilation on the fly, so iteration, code generation and ability to transport the code on another machine/process is not lost.

Or maybe this silly idea - Limited form of OpenMP:

As in openmp, there would be some kind of directive, or just special keyword "formp" that works only with integers (probably tricky). Also before the loop, all garbage collecting is stopped, and afterwards restored. Not only that but anything that would change the lua objects memory would cause a break back to some kind of serial mode recovery, or just errors out.

local array = "float[?]", n_elements )
-- Here garbage collecting stops
-- The lua_State is replicated, and "i" somehow is initialized for each thread to start from (K/T..(K+1)/T-1) for each thread, where K < T, and K is each thread, and T is the number of threads -- Or like OpenMP with dynamic scheduling, the K is calculated in different fashion for each thread...
formp i=0, n_elems-1 do
  array[i] = somecalc(i)

Here instead of luajit's ffi types, some lua types can be put in places - native arrays which don't change, and multiple threads can read/write to them.

Now off course somecalc(i) should not also do any changes to the memory layout that would break lua.

Thanks for your comments.
