It also crashes with cygwin's lua (5.1.4) that I have installed. On 4/20/2012 10:54 AM, Dan Tull wrote:
local function caller() local result, message = loadstring( "return" ) return result, message end local function locals() local i = 1 local inf, n, v repeat inf = debug.getinfo( i, "fn" ) if inf and inf.func == caller then break end i = i + 1 until not inf if inf then local j = 1 repeat n, v = debug.getlocal( i, j ) if n then if type( v ) == "proto" and tostring( v ) then print "BOOM" -- never printed on 5.1.5 end end j = j + 1 until not n end end debug.sethook( locals, "", 1 ) caller()