Hi, Here is an outline of my proposed talk: Textadept - Behind the Scenes =============================Textadept is a fast, minimalist, and ridiculously extensible cross-platform text editor for programmers. It is written in a combination of C and Lua.
Textadept uses Lua to solve many interesting and complex problems encountered in text editor design, including syntax highlighting, syntax-based code completion, and scripting external C libraries and GUI components. This talk will focus on examining the internals of Textadept, from its innovative LPeg syntax highlighting engine to the embedded Lua scripting environment that provides nearly all of the editor's features. Come learn about Textadept and also about how you can use and extend it to fit your workflow.
Cheers, Mitchell On Mon, 28 May 2012, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
We are now planning the program for the Lua Workshop 2012. If you'd like to speak at the Workshop, please state it here, with a copy to lua.workshop@gmail.com, giving a tentative title and a short abstract. Presentations usually are 20- or 30-minute talks about something interesting you have done with Lua. It can be an application, a library, a tool, an insight, a proposal, a demo, etc. See the program for the previous workshops for typical talks. There are links at http://www.lua.org/wshop12.html . Registrations for the Workshop should open soon. We hope to see you in Virginia. --lhf, for the organizers