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If you mainly want to use types for type-checking, we've become convinced that type() is not the best approach. We ended up with a function checks(...), which takes n arguments, and where the n-th argument describes the expected type of the n-th argument *of the calling function*. For instance, if you want function foobar to take two strings and an optional number, you'll write:

function foobar(str1, str2, n)
    checks('string', 'string', '?number')
    -- rest of foobar's body

This is terse and readable, it can be leveraged by static code analysis tools, it's trivial to disable in production code, and there are several fallback/extension mechanisms:
- types, as returned by type(), are allowed;
- if an object's metatable contains a string in a __type field, this name is also allowed;
- if tweaking the metatable isn't an option, there's a global table associating arbitrary type names to arbitrary predicates;
- several types can be allowed, separated with a bar, e.g. checks("number|string", "?table")
- a prefix "?" makes an argument optional ("?sometype" is equivalent to, although faster and more readable than, "nil|sometype");

The code is self-sufficient, and available here under MIT license, with a detailed luadoc manual: