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On 13-6-2012 19:14, liam mail wrote:
On 13 June 2012 17:35, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:
Any performance-conscious code that uses
coercion in critical pathes deserves what it gets

It could be said anyone that updates to 5.2.* deservers what they get.

So I take it that if coercion is removed then string concatenation
would use the '+' operator[1] and Lua programmes would become more
complicated[2] or are these views now outdated?


One of the few (and rather minor) innovations in Lua was
the syntax for string concatenation. The natural ‘+’ operator
would be ambiguous, because we wanted automatic coercion of strings to
numbers in arithmetic operations.

This coercion is useful because it simplifies programs and avoids the
need for explicit conversion functions.

What precisely are we talking about?

(1)  1 + "2"  (- * / etc)

(2)  1 .. "2"

(3)  concat({1,"2"})

(4)  format("%s",1)

I suppose only in the first case automatic conversion is unwanted? Actually I can imagine that a future concat does a tostring if needed so that { 1, "2", true } also works.


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