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Thanks a lot!

I'll try it now (just after a small coffe break). It will be a great help.

I also added a function to your module for my needs. My program need to interact with Excel, so I use LuaCOM (excel = luacom.CreateObject('excel.application')). To close the application, I try using excel:Quit(), releasing the object and launching a garbagecollect(), all this to be sure to close the application but the Excel process stays living. So I decided to use your module to kill the process. To do so, I get the hwnd of the excel main window, with excel.Hwnd, and then I added a function to your module to get a window object from the window handle:

static int l_window_from_hwnd(lua_State *L) {
  lua_Integer li_hwnd = lua_tointeger(L,1);
  HWND hwnd;
  hwnd = (HWND)li_hwnd;
  return push_new_Window(L,hwnd);

from this object, I use the functions from your module to get the process and kill it.

The compiler didn't let me convert a lua_Number to a HWND (a double to a pointer) so I converted the function parameter to a lua_Integer and then to a HWND. It worked so far, but do you think I could have a problem with the casting from the lua_Number (the function argument) to the lua_Integer and then the HWND? Hwnd values doesn't seem to be huge, but I didn't know much about the Windows API to be sure.


[[ example ]]

luacom = require('luacom')
winapi = require('winapi')

excel = require('excel.application')
excel.Visible = true

-- Try to close the Excel application
excel = nil

-- but the process stays, so:
hwnd = excel.Hwnd
w = winapi.window_from_hwnd(hwnd) -- custom function added to winapi
p = w:get_process()
p:kill()  -- I win!

Alexandre Rion
Fuel and Fire Department (MEYGU)
EADS / Airbus Military

> Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 09:24:53 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Winapi help (RE: [ANN] winapi 1.4)
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 8:12 AM, Alexandre Rion <> wrote:
> > winapi.use_gui(). My objective is to use watch_for_file_changes, but I made
> > also some tries with make_timer to verify if it works.
> Right! Problem was overenthusiastic locking - now we don't lock when
> submitting calls to the message queue, since it .. queues them for us
> ;)
> The downloads page is now updated with and
> (just the dlls).
> steve d.