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On 28/06/2012 22:34, Paul K wrote:
ZeroBrane Studio is a lightweight Lua IDE. The most recent version
provides several improvements

- Added support for reading input right from the IDE
- Added stack view with local/upvalue values (including display of
hierarchical data)
- Support for love2d debugging and auto-complete
- Support for debugging LuaJIT clients.

The screencast demonstrating love2d debugging is available here
( The IDE is
currently Windows-only, but I'm working on a MacOS version, which
should be available in the next release.

Yes, I saw your announcement in the Löve mailing list, and I did a brief test, using the no-install package (thanks for not making the installation mandatory!).

I appreciate that you use the Scintilla component (via wxStyledTextCtrl, yes?).
I like the clean and simple interface, and a quick test of the debug feature (step by step) shown it is well made. Just a suggestion: it might be nice to display the value of a variable in a tooltip by hovering over the variable name. At least, that's a feature I am used to... Now, if it is hard to implement, selecting the variable (or clicking inside it) and hitting a keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+I in Eclipse/Java editor) to get the information is fine for me.

I found out that the information is displayed too in the stack window, but I am not sure if it is easy to manage for large programs.

Also I found a strange behavior (bug?): even on Windows, I have the habit to start lot of my Lua scripts with #!Lua5.1.exe or similar. A long time ago, I wrote a little launcher looking at the shbang of scripts and selecting the interpreter, but honestly I no longer use it, so it isn't critical. Wouldn't be practical because sometime I had a Lua5.1.exe, sometime a Lua-5.1.exe and sometime a Lua51.exe...

But I wonder why ZeroBane interprets this # in some way, doesn't display it and reports an error on the "!Lua5.1.exe" line...

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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