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Coda Highland <> [12-07-17 17:14]:
> > Hi Coda,
> >
> > yes, I see, that I get only the refrence to the first table...but
> > again my question:
> >
> >
> >> > What do I have to change to get the table names ('first",'second')
> >> > instead of the adress of the table 'profile" (as it seems, since it
> >> > is only one adress printed) ?
> >
> >
> > Thank you very much for any help in advance!
> >
> > Best regards,
> > mcc
> Did you read the code I included? I'll repeat it here:
> > function profile (cfg)
> >     for key, value in pairs(cfg) do
> >         print( key )
> >         print( value )
> >     end
> > end
> Do note the difference between yours and mine: You're using (...)
> while I'm using a named parameter. This named parameter is the table
> passed to profile(), and so pairs() is iterating over its members
> instead of iterating over the parameters to the function.
> /s/ Adam

Hi Adam,

yes I tried your code and it gives me back the reference adresses and
not the names.

I tried it again this evening and it give me back the names.

My only conclusion is that this is one of these very seldom
"external induced errors", which normally happens in an area 
located around 80cm in front of flat screens, tft monitor and such.
Most often these occurences are accompanied by the clicking noise
of around 104 switches placed on a PCB. 
These errors are known under the scientifically used abbreviation


sorry...I dont know what went wrong the first. Now it works, and
that is nice!
Thank you very much! :)

Best regards,