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Hello Elias.

On Thu, Sep 20, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Elias Barrionovo <> wrote:

On Sep 20, 2012 8:56 AM, "Craig Barnes" <> wrote:
> Lua is already widely used in "mobile"
> environments.

Judging from the list archives, it seems to me that he isn't talking about Lua for mobile platforms, but a code that is itself mobile, i.e. a process that can pause itself, load into another machine, and continue from there.


I think that it is a nice idea as a proof of concept that *could* have some cool byproducts (e.g. a kick-ass serialization library), but saying it's the future of Lua is quite a stretch.

It is the future of Lua. You will see.

Call me a hater, but i'm very skeptic without use cases and a prototype.

Should I link to the prototype once more? Well, no problem... :o)
