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Hello Thijs,

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 4:59 AM, Thijs Schreijer
<> wrote:
> I had somewhere in my mind there was a LuaSocket version that included
> serial connections.

Its in Diego's unstable repo:

I implemented it. We use it. We never use windows.

I haven't used windows in more than a decade, but I believe that
window's version of select only works on sockets, not on any other

I think that luasocket's windows support is using the BSDish socket
interface, which is easy, particularly when porting back and forth to
unixen, but it would be more powerful if it used native windows calls,
and IIRC the native win32 API supports asynchronous notifications and
waiting on multiple heterogenous object types. Thats a lot of work,
though, and nobody is volunteering, and I don't use windows, so...
