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steve donovan wrote:
> Oh yes, but Dirk was trying to be funny, and either came across as
> obscurely sarcastic or just plain obscure.
> (Cross-cultural humour is not easy in ASCII)

This is what Monty Python references are for!

...back on topic: there's enough stuff announced on the list these days
that it would actually make sense to have a bot which notices messages
with [ANN] in the title and does some simple parsing to figure out the
author, title, version and URL, and then updates the wiki (or some other
website). That way then not only do we get an automatically up-to-date
list of interesting Lua projects, but it could also politely prompt
people who forget to include such information.

┌─── ───── ─────
│ "Parents let children ride bicycles on the street. But parents do not
│ allow children to hear vulgar words. Therefore we can deduce that
│ cursing is more dangerous than being hit by a car." --- Scott Adams