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2012-10-18 17:40, Hisham wrote:
And since we're talking style and the original poster had an issue
with verbosity, I think it's nice to remind him of this possibility as

for k,v in str:gmatch("([xyz])=(%d+)") do
    ret[k] = tonumber(v)
Thank you both for answers.
I have no idea about lua/luajit internals but i don't use `:` because i imagine that interpreter has to additionally follow metatable on every call.

Another reason is consistency. In my code i chose to not embed function references in short-living objects if i don't need abstraction for that. Instead of that, i am trying to do runtime ducktyping. I have no idea if it's gonna be good way for solving things, but so far, this style of coding works for my project.

So, it's my little experiment, and i find lua good language for experimenting.

Best regards,
Mariusz Gliwiński