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On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Rena <> wrote:
> I just installed luasql-postgres from LuaRocks, and the appropriate
> dev packages from the Ubuntu repos, but the build script couldn't find
> the headers... I had to use:
> luarocks install luasql-postgres PGSQL_INCDIR=/usr/include/postgresql/
> perhaps an issue with the rockspec?

Hi! No, it's not an issue. This is the intended behavior: different
OS's and distros often have incompatible include paths and LuaRocks
cannot guess them all. This feature of specifying extra variables to
the tool exist precisely for those situations. I'm glad to see the
error message was informative enough so you managed to find the
solution. :) (That's a clear evolution to some releases ago!)

(Some people of course occasionally argue that the rockspecs should be
tuned to the include paths of _their_ system of choice and everyone
else should use the *_INCDIR variables... I think it's better to ship
defaults the paths produced by upstream developers, which tend to be
more system-agnostic, and not the incompatible changes introduced by
one particular distro.)


-- Hisham