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On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 01:59:20PM -0800, Coda Highland wrote:
> And the most popular fork of Lua, LuaJIT, also has a similar
> development model and a similarly friendly and responsive maintainer.

Isn't LuaJIT more an independent implementation than a fork? Notwithstanding
some of the library code, like string matching expressions.

I point that out to credit Mike Pall's hard work, as well as the careful
thought that the Lua authors put into the language semantics and its

I think the bigget "pro" for keeping development relatively closed doesn't
concern the code so much as the language specification. Opening up
development would doubtless add features and improve performance, but the
cost would be more questionable corner cases. The language specification and
the "reference" implementation are inextricably bound together.